NBCOT, the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, worked with Winking Fish to develop fresh brand identities for their signature product offerings for occupational therapists and occupational therapy students. Both of the new brand designs needed to:
In developing the new brand identities, Winking Fish determined that a successful identity would keep the product names front and center and build off of those names in developing a related – and integrated – mark. We relied on modern typography and current brand colors to complement the existing NBCOT brand, and we expanded the color palette to freshen and lighten the look.
Navigator is NBCOT’s premiere product offering that helps certified occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants assess and determine their professional development needs. Winking Fish developed a Navigator logo and brand identity centered on an armillary sphere, one of the original navigational tools. Winking Fish also created a suite of icons to represent each of the assessment tools within the Navigator platform. We used a vibrant extended color palette and relevant imagery to represent the platform’s individual offerings.
Aspire is NBCOT’s suite of exam prep tools for occupational therapy students seeking their certifications. The idea behind Aspire is that becoming an occupational therapist or an assistant is a journey. As such, Winking Fish developed an identity with a mountain at its center where students “aspire” to reach the top. For the Aspire identity and related iconography, we used the primary NBCOT brand colors, but focused heavily on the lighter blues to distinguish it from Navigator. The Aspire tool suite relies on softer, muted colors to differentiate it from the larger and more robust Navigator suite.